Sunday, July 24, 2011

RIP Mr. Dexcom

A quick update on our Mr. Dexcom. He is (not sure when I assigned a gender to the receiver! haha) not waking up ever again. Actually if you leave it plug in, he is doing fine but I can't let Mr. R stay plug in by the outlet either. So, tomorrow we would have to call DexCom to order the replacement.

Also on another sad and depressing note, I may lost my flexible working hours that I have had for the last 2 years. It all started when Mr. R was dx with T1D. I had to be there to pick him up from school because one day, last year,  his BG dropped so low, he was unable to even crawl home. Luckily, one of our neighbor was there picking up his kid. Mr. N carried Mr. R bag pack and the neighbor carried my son! I love all of my neighbors!

I hope my managers will understand my situation at home. I have never let anything fallen through the crack. I have worked so hard to ensure that my 'special' arrangement is not affecting anyone else at work.
Please pray for us. So many things going on I could hardly keep up anymore.

On a positive note, a friend of mine, bless her heart, has offered her child's car seat so Baby E could use a proper seat. He is over 20 lbs now and getting longer/taller by the minute. Thank you dear friend for all that you have done for Baby E.

Ok, I better clock in and start work again. I'm nervous and very worried about tomorrow. I have to talk to all of my managers about my flexible working hours. I hope and wish they will continue to support my existing schedule so I could be there for my kids especially Mr.R.

Please, please, please pray that everything will be ok for us!

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